Rule Governing Loans

  • Membership card is not transferable.
  • Students are responsible for the books borrowed against their membership card.
  • Loss of membership card must be reported in writing immediately to the Chief Librarian and duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs.100/- only.
  • All books must be returned on or before the due date.
  • Books will be renewed only if there are no reservations.
  • Books have to be presented physically at the charging for renewal.
  • A fine of Rs.1/- per day will be levied on an overdue book.
  • After check in or checked out students are requested to check the system for correct transactions.

Loss of Books

  • Loss of any book borrowed must be reported immediately to the Chief Librarian.
  • All students must replace the books if it is lost with the latest edition along with overdue charges if any.

Procurement of Books

Suggestions for the procurement of books are received from the Students, Faculty and Heads of various Departments.

No Due Certificate

Students are required to surrender the membership card along with the books and when they need NO DUE CERTIFICATE from the library.

General Rules

  • Readers are required to deposit their bags/belongings at the Property counters before entering the library.
  • Students should produce their identity cards to the security/library Staff as and when asked for.
  • Complete silence must be observed within the Central library.
  • Underlining, scribbling and tearing of pages or any such act will be severely punished.
  • After use of books, users are requested not to replace the books on the shelves.
  • Personal books are not permitted to bring inside the stack section.
  • The use of mobile phones in the library premises is strictly prohibited.