Printed Journals
Library subscribes 145 Technical journals and arranged Subject wise in the periodicals section. Library also subscribes to 15 e-Databases consists of 7529 e-Journals.
Library also receives 14 English and Kannada Newspapers which are displayed in the Reading hall.
Technical Journals on Use
Sl.No. | Name of the Journals |
1 | Abhigyan |
2 | Advances in Aerospace Science and Application |
3 | Air power Journal |
4 | Asian Journal of Management Cases |
5 | Chankya Aerospace |
6 | Competition Affairs |
7 | Current Science |
8 | Defence Science Journal |
9 | Down to Earth |
10 | Economic & Political Weekly |
11 | Electrical India |
12 | Force |
13 | Foundations Trends in Machine Learning |
14 | Harvard Business Review |
15 | ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology |
16 | ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing |
17 | ICTACT Journal on Management Studies |
18 | ICTACT Journal on Micro Electronics |
19 | ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing |
20 | Indian Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
21 | Indian Journal of Chemistry |
22 | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology |
23 | Indian Journal of Finance |
24 | Indian Journal of Industrial Relations |
25 | Indian Journal of Marketing |
26 | Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science |
27 | International Journal of Advances in Chemical Engineering |
28 | International Journal of Advances in Software Engineering |
29 | International Journal of Applied Marketing Management |
30 | International Journal of Applied Physics |
31 | International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing |
32 | International Journal of Chemical Engineering Research |
33 | International Journal of Chemical Studies |
34 | International Journal of Computer Science and Data base Engineering |
35 | International Journal of Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
36 | International Journal of Computing and Artificial Intelligence |
37 | International Journal of Data Analysis and Information Systems |
38 | International Journal of Distributed Cloud Computing |
39 | International Journal of Financial Management |
40 | International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Design |
41 | International Journal of Knowledge and Based Computer System |
42 | International Journal of Knowledge Management & Practice |
43 | International Journal of Leadership |
44 | International Journal of Management Research |
45 | International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering |
46 | International Journal of Marketing Theory |
47 | International Journal of Network and Security Research |
48 | International Journal of Operation Management |
49 | International Journal of Physics & Mathematics |
50 | International Journal of Pure & Applied Physics |
51 | International Journal of Radio Frequency Design |
52 | International Journal of Research in Civil Engineering & Technology |
53 | International Journal of Satellite Communication and Remote Sensing |
54 | International Journal of System and Software Engineering |
55 | International of Marketing & Business Communication |
56 | Journal of Advance Management Research |
57 | Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Artificial Intelligence & Neural Network |
58 | Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Technology |
59 | Journal of Aerospace Science and Application |
60 | Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technology |
61 | Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management |
62 | Journal of Applied Chemistry |
63 | Journal of Applied Information Science |
64 | Journal of Applied Mathematics in Science and Technology |
65 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research |
66 | Journal of Catalyst and Catalysis |
67 | Journal of Chemical Reviews |
68 | Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Science |
69 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Science |
70 | Journal of Computer Technology & Application |
71 | Journal of Construction Engineering and Technology |
72 | Journal of Construction Engineering Technology and Management |
73 | Journal of Contemporary Research in Management |
74 | Journal of Environmental Research and Development |
75 | Journal of Geotechnical Engineering |
76 | Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence |
77 | Journal of Management Research |
78 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
79 | Journal of Modern Chemistry and Chemical |
80 | Journal of Network and Information Security |
81 | Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour |
82 | Journal of Physics |
83 | Journal of Polymer and Composites |
84 | Journal of Pure and Applied and Industrial Physics |
85 | Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management |
86 | Journal of Structural Engineering |
87 | Journal of Telecommunication Switching System and Networking |
88 | Journal of Transport Engineering & Application |
89 | Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technology |
90 | Journal of Wireless Communication and Simulation |
91 | Journal on Circuits and Systems |
92 | Journal on Civil Engineering |
93 | Journal on Cloud Computing |
94 | Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems |
95 | Journal on Computer Science |
96 | Journal on Digital Signal Processing |
97 | Journal on Electrical Engineering |
98 | Journal on Electronics Engineering |
99 | Journal on Embedded Systems |
100 | Journal on Future Engineering and Technology |
101 | Journal on Image Processing |
102 | Journal on Information Technology |
103 | Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering |
104 | Journal on Material Science |
105 | Journal on Mathematics |
106 | Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies |
107 | Journal on Pattern Recognition |
108 | Journal on Power Systems Engineering |
109 | Journal on Software Engineering |
110 | Journal on Structural Engineering |
111 | Journal on Wireless communication Networks |
112 | Margin: The Journal of applied Economic Research |
113 | National Journal of System and Information Technology |
114 | New Building Materials & Construction World |
115 | Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management |
116 | Research & Reviews: Journal of Physics |
117 | Rind Survey |
118 | South Asian Journal of Business Management Cases |
119 | South Asian Journal of Management |
120 | The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practice |
121 | The IUP Journal of Applied Economics |
122 | The IUP Journal of Applied Finance |
123 | The IUP Journal of Bank Management |
124 | The IUP Journal of Brand Management |
125 | The IUP Journal of Business Strategy |
126 | The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences |
127 | The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance |
128 | The IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
129 | The IUP Journal of English Studies |
130 | The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development |
131 | The IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management |
132 | The IUP Journal of Information Technology |
133 | The IUP Journal of International Relations |
134 | The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management |
135 | The IUP Journal of Management Research |
136 | The IUP Journal of Marketing Management |
137 | The IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
138 | The IUP Journal of Operations Management |
139 | The IUP Journal of Organizational Behaviour |
140 | The IUP Journal of Soft Skills |
141 | The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering |
142 | The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management |
143 | The IUP Journal of Telecommunications |
144 | Vayu Aerospace Review |
145 | Viklpa |
Sl.No. | Name of the Journals |
1 | Abhigyan |
2 | Business Economics |
3 | Capital Market |
4 | Chemistry Today |
5 | Cooling India |
6 | Current Science (Subscription for life member from July 2018 as per UGC recomendation) |
7 | Defence Science Journal |
8 | Digit |
9 | Down to Earth |
10 | Economic & Political Weekly |
11 | Electrical India |
12 | Electronic Maker |
13 | Electronics For You |
14 | Embedded For You |
15 | Entrepreneur |
16 | Force |
17 | ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology |
18 | ICTACT Journal on Image and Vedio Processing |
19 | ICTACT Journal on Management Studies |
20 | ICTACT Journal on Micro Electronics |
21 | ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing |
22 | IIMB Management Review |
23 | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology |
24 | Indian Journal of Finance |
25 | Indian Journal of Industrial Relations |
26 | Indian Journal of Marketing |
27 | Indian Management |
28 | Journal of Aerospace Engineering & Technology |
29 | Journal of Aerospace Science & Technology |
30 | Journal of Applied Information Science |
31 | IJournal of Chemistry and Chemical Science |
32 | Journal of Computer and Mathematical Science |
33 | Journal of Contemporary Research in Management |
34 | Journal of Environmental Research and Development |
35 | Journal of Management Research |
36 | Journal of Network and Information Security |
37 | Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour |
38 | Journal of Pure and Applied and Industrial Physics |
39 | Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management |
40 | Journal of Supply Chain Management System |
41 | Journal of Vibration Engineering Technology |
42 | Journal on Circuits and Systems |
43 | Journal on Civil Engineering |
44 | Journal on Cloud Computing |
45 | Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems |
46 | Journal on Computer Science |
47 | Journal on Digital Signal Processing |
48 | Journal on Electrical Engineering |
49 | Journal on Electronics Engineering |
50 | Journal on Embedded System |
51 | Journal on Future Engineering and Technology |
52 | Journal on Image Processing |
53 | Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering |
54 | Journal on Material Science |
55 | Journal on Mathematics |
56 | Journal on Mechanical Engineering |
57 | Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies |
58 | Journal on Patern Recoginition |
59 | Journal on Power Systems Engineerings |
60 | Journal on Softeare Engineering |
61 | Journal on Structural Engineering |
62 | Journal on Wireless Communication Networks |
63 | Journal on Information Technology |
64 | Lighting India |
65 | Mathematics Today |
66 | Minerals & Metals Review |
67 | National Journal of System and Information Technology |
68 | New Building Material and Construction World |
69 | Open Source For You |
70 | PC Quest |
71 | Personnel Today |
72 | Physics For You |
73 | Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Mangement |
74 | Rind Survey |
75 | Science Reporter |
76 | The Chankya Aerospace Defence & Maritime Review |
77 | The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices |
78 | The IUP Journal of Appliec Economics |
79 | The IUP Journal of Applied Finance |
80 | The IUP Journal of Bank Management |
81 | The IUP Journal of Brand Management |
82 | The IUP Journal of Business Strategy |
83 | The IUP Journal of Computer Science |
84 | The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance |
85 | The IUP Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
86 | The IUP Journal of English Studies |
87 | The IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development |
88 | The IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management |
89 | The IUP Journal of Information Technology |
90 | The IUP Journal of International Relations |
91 | The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management |
92 | The IUP Journal of Management Research |
93 | The IUP Journal of Marketing Management |
94 | The IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering |
95 | The IUP Journal of Operations Management |
96 | The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior |
97 | The IUP Journal of Soft Skills |
98 | The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering |
99 | The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management |
100 | The IUP Journal of Telecommunications |
101 | Vayu Aerospace & Defence Refiew |
102 | SVikalpa |
103 | Vision |
Sl.No. | Name of the Journals |
1 | Asian Journal of Management Cases |
2 | Focus : The International Journal of Management Digest |
3 | Harvard Business Review |
4 | International Journal of Advances in Software Engineering |
5 | International Journal of Applied Marketing Management |
6 | International Journal of Blockchain & Cyrpto Currencies |
7 | International Journal of Data Analysis and I S |
8 | International Journal of Distributed Cloud Computing |
9 | International Journal of Financial Management |
10 | International Journal of Knowledge and Based Computer System |
11 | International Journal of Knowledge Management & Practice |
12 | International Journal of Marketing & Business Communication |
13 | International Journal of Marketing Theory |
14 | International Journal of Network & Secutiry Research |
15 | International Journal of System and Software Engineering |
16 | International Journal on Leadership |
17 | International Journal of Computer Science & Data Base Engineering |
18 | Journal of Natural Products |
19 | Margin: The Journal of Applied Eco |
20 | South Asian Journal of Business Management Cases |
21 | South Asian Journal of Management |
22 | The Economist |
Sl.No. | Name of the Magazine |
1 | Business World |
2 | Business India |
3 | Business Today |
4 | Chronicle |
5 | Competition Vision |
6 | Competition Refresher |
7 | CSR Success Review |
8 | Drishti Current Affairs |
9 | Engineering Success Review |
10 | Front Line |
11 | G K Today |
12 | G K Refresher |
13 | India Today |
14 | Karmaveera |
15 | Outlook |
16 | Readers Digest |
17 | Spardha Jagathu |
18 | Spardha Spoorthi |
19 | Spardha Vijeetha |
20 | Sports Star |
21 | Sudha |
22 | Taranga |
23 | The Caravan |
24 | The Week |
25 | Time |
26 | Wisdom |