The Library resources have been completely Bar Coded and automated using LIBSYS 10 Integrated Library Package which helps in Transactions, OPAC (Online Public Access of Catalogues) and reservation of Books etc., for the users.

The digital resources have access to all the On-line library collection, such as the NPTEL lectures of all IITs, and IISc have been made available throughout the campus using Intranet for the use of Faculty & Students, Digitized CD ROM information pertains to all the important Books, Question papers, and 7529 e-Journals have also been provided in the same platform.

  • The college has a voluminous computerized Library and Information Centre, which caters to the needs of students, research scholars and faculty.
  • The Library Resources have been housed in the First floor of Platinum Academic Block.
  • It has a seating capacity for 680 users at a time. The Library has a rich collection of 156471 Volumes of books comprising of 48402 titles.
  • The digital library of the college provides online access to e-resources on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management subjects for Study and research.
  • The library has access to more than 7529 e-journals & 25908 e-Books on various branches of Science, Technology, Engineering, Management and Architecture.
  • This is in addition to 145 National and International printed journals. Apart from the central library, various departmental libraries also provided for immediate reference

Document Resources

Library to date has a total collection of 156471 volumes of books, reference books and non-print/multimedia, 3109 book CDs, 361 subject floppies and 1705 journal/magazine CDs. The library is presently subscribing to 145 National and International Technical Journals in addition to 31 Magazines.

Arrangement of Resources

All the books have been classified and Catalogued using DDC and AACR2 respectively and arranged on Open shelves, Books are organized subject-wise for easy access and quick retrieval. New Books before sending to shelves are first displayed in the “new arrivals” section for 15-20 days and processed afterwards for the usage by students and staff.

Latest Publishers catalogues received from various publishers and newly released books and other relevant information is displayed on the Bulletin Board for Information of users and to indicate the requirements / additions.

Books for Use