# Year Details File
1.2024Student Club Activities -2023-2024 Download 
2.2023Student Club Activities: 2022-2023 Download 
3.2022Technical Magazine From Augument.Ai Student Club Download 
4.2022Augment.AI Club Official Orientation - 28th February 2022 Download 
5.2022Augment.Ai - A Technical Talk on Cloud by Vmware Expert : Ms. Sowmya Vijayalakshmi Download 
6.2022Backdrop Event by Augment.AI Club In Association with IEEE Student Branch Download 
7.2022ISE Student Club Orientation - 2022 Download 
8.2022ISE Student Club organized a felicitation Function. The event was presided by the vice principal Dr.Bheemsha , HOD of ISE Department Dr.P Jayareksha and Mr. Gururaja H S, faculty in charge of the ISE Student Club. Download 
9.2022PC Building Competition by ISE Student Club Download 
10.2022ISE Student Club organized an online graphic designing event entitled "Vector Flow" Download 
11.2022I.S.E Student Club Coding Contest Download 
12.2022The ISE Student Club in collaboration with IEEE Student chapter conducted Technovate,a hands-on IoT workshop by the founder-CEO of GND solutions, Mr.Venkata Siva Reddy on 7th May 2022. Faculty Incharge : Mrs. Pallavi B. Download 
13.2022Student Club Activities:2021-2022 Download 
14.2022I.S.E Student Club organized an event for the female faculty of ISE department on the occasion of Women’s day on March 14th, 2022 Download 
15.2021I.S.E Student Club organized a Reverse Coding Contest where the participants had to solve competitive programming challenges given to them in a programming language of their choice Download 
16.2021I.S.E Student Club organized a non-technical event based on the reality television series Shark Tank Download 
17.2021News Letter from ISE - Student Club - Annual Edition 2021 -Issue -2 Download 
18.2021Student Club activities:2020-2021 Download 
19.2021News Letter from ISE - Student Club - Annual Edition 2021 -Issue -1 Download 
20.2019ISE - Student Club Download 
21.2019ISE Student Club Orientation was conducted Download