# Year Details File
1.2022 Group Name: IEEE Computer Society
Faculty Mentors: Dr. N. Sandeep Varma (Chapter Advisor)
Core Team: Supriya P G (Chairperson), Kalp D (Vice Chairperson), Harshitha Aparna (Secretary), Rajath V (Joint Secretary), Pradyun Naik (Treasurer), Thunia Bagchi (Senior SAC)
Description: The society’s broad objective of being an active agent of change by responding to the needs and challenges of the current environment. These challenges can be overcome by training, working as a team and inculcating leadership qualities within.
2.2022 Group Name: AUGMENT.AI
Faculty Mentors: GURURAJA H S
Core Team: Ashwin, Sumukh, Vineeth, Arundati, Gayatre, Kshama, Prajwal, Rutajit, Sahiti, Varun, Yashas
Description: To build a community of like- minded individuals who will learn and work in the area of Artificial Intelligence.