Student Affinity Groups
# | Year | Details | File |
1. | 2023 | Group Name: MANUSMARAN CLUB Faculty Mentors: Dr. Veena N. Hegde Dr. Preethi K. Mane Core Team: Skanda Ganesh Sai Siddarth Acuytha G Trivikram J Sourabh M Srivatsa P Description: The inauguration of Manusmaran , A Socio-Ethical Humanities & Creativity Club Under ISA-BMSCE sponsored by SPICES,AICTE, on 3rd January 2023,Auditorium-2,Platinum Jubliee block, BMS college of Engineering,Bangalore-19, started with welcome address by Dr. Santosh R Desai, Head of the department, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, who welcomed all the dignitaries on the Dias and by an invocation to god followed by lighting of the lamp by the chief guest Mr. Renukaprasad Belgur , Business mentor and Advisor, Dr. S. Muralidhara ,Principal , B.M.S. college of Engineering, Dr. suresh Ramaswwamy Reddy , vice principal -academic , B.M.S. college of Engineering, Dr. Bheemsha, vice principal – admin , B.M.S. college of Engineering, and Dr. Abhishek Appaji M, Research and Development Head and Convener , B.M.S. college of Engineering, it was followed by launching the logo of the club , Manusmaran by the dignitaries. A total of 120 plus students attended the event. The Club ‘Manusmaran’ is established at B.MS College of Engineering as facilitating agency for pursuit of individual interests, creativity work showcasing networking, talent and team work. The report contains each activity under specific headings as mentioned in the proposal (III) F.N0 10-5/AICTE/IDS/SPICES /2021-2022 | Download |