Research Areas

  • Process control and Power Electronics Digital Signal Processing and DIP Control Systems Automation i
  • System Engineering, Automation
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Computational Model for Occupancy Detection
  • Embedded Systems
  • VLSI, SoC, Reconfigurable Hardware
  • Biomedical Data Acquisition
  • MEMS and smart sensors

Research Supervisor Details

# Research Supervisor Specialization Awarded University Year of Award
1.Dr.Mamatha M.N.Biomedical Data AcquisitionVinayaka Missions University, Chennai2012
2.Dr. Santosh R. DesaiReduced Order Modelling in Control SystemIndian Institute of Technology, Roorkee2014
3.Dr.Veena N. HegdeBiomedical Signal ProcessingVisvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi 2016
4.Dr. Preethi K ManeDesign and Development of Computational Framework for Occupancy DetectionVisvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi2023

Research Scholars

S.No Details

Guide Name : Dr.Veena N Hegde

Student Name : Vyasraj T

Field of Study : Biomedical Signal Processing

Scholar Type : Part Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2019



Guide Name : Dr. Santosh R Desai

Student Name : Venkateswarlu Gummadilli

Field of Study : Controller Design for Dynamic Time Duration by Prediction Mechanism for GOT assisted Smart Water Grid System in Metropolitan Cities

Scholar Type : Part Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2019



Guide Name : Dr Veena N Hegde

Student Name : Feroz Morab

Field of Study : High Resolution DOA and Fast Convergence Beam Former For Mobile Communication

Scholar Type : Full Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2018



Guide Name : Dr.Santosh R Desai

Student Name : H N Sree Harsha

Field of Study : Investigation on the failure analysis of network control system for real life applications

Scholar Type : Part Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2017



Guide Name : Dr.Santosh R Desai

Student Name : Mr. Hingmire Vishal Sharad

Field of Study : Design & Development of A Fault-Tolerant Mechanism For Wireless Sensor Network

Scholar Type : Part Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2016



Guide Name : Dr.Mamatha M N

Student Name : Vani A

Field of Study : Neuroprosthesis implant of Biomems to enhance visual ability

Scholar Type : Part Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2014



Guide Name : Dr K Narasimha Rao

Student Name : D V Rajeswari Devi


Scholar Type : Part Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2013



Guide Name : Dr K Narasimha Rao

Student Name : Preethi K Mane

Field of Study : Design and Development of Computational Framework for Occupancy Detection

Scholar Type : Part Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2013



Guide Name : Dr.Santosh R Desai

Student Name : Vinutha Srikanth

Field of Study : Synthesis, characterisation of vanadium pentoxide nanostructures and evaluation of its properties

Scholar Type : Full Time

Qualification : Ph.D

Year of Admission : 2013


Contact Person: Krishna Murthy K T
Research Facility: VLSI LAB
Description: VLSI lab allows the theoretical concepts studied as part of subjects CMOS VLSI Design, Microelectronics Circuits and HDL, to experience in practical with the help of Cadence tool framework. The lab introduces the complete custom IC design flow, ASIC design flow and , Digital circuits . The digital design involves the realization of various digital circuit components using Register Transfer Logic (RTL) code, Compilation of the same using Native Compiler, elaboration using elaborator and simulation using Incisive. The synthesis of the verified RTL code to obtain the gate level netlist is performed thereon.
Contact Person: Dr. Preethi K Mane
Description: The student will be able to conduct experiments using analog electronic components and electronic instruments to function as switch, regulator, clippers, clampers, small signal amplifiers, oscillators, power amplifiers. They will also learn circuit simulation using multisim software. They will be able to do independent study to formulate, design, implement, analyze and demonstrate an application using analog electronic components through an open ended experiment. Along with hardware, circuits are simulated using Multisim and PSPICE software for carrying out mini projects.
Contact Person: Dr.Preethi K Mane
Description: The student will be able to conduct experiments using analog electronic components, electronic instruments to function as amplifiers, comparators, rectifiers, filters, astable and monostable circuits using 555 ,data converters. They will be able to do independent study to formulate, design, implement, analyze and demonstrate signal conditioning for an application using analog electronic components through an open ended experiment. Along with hardware, circuits are simulated using Multisim and PSPICE software for carrying out mini projects.
Contact Person: Dr. Preethi K Mane and S.Kumuda
Research Facility: PCB LAB
Description: The student will have practical experience in various aspects of PCB designs for applications. The student will be able to do functional simulation of design using ORCAD PSPICE. The PCB bundle helps the student to import the netlist and setup the basic work environment for layout and design the single layer PCB layout for any of the given ORCAD schematic. The MITS Prototyping Machine will allow rapid prototyping of PCB through process of drilling, milling and routing.
Contact Person: Dr.Preethi K Mane
Description: The student will be able to design and implement masks , algorithms for the given image processing application .To simulate the algorithms used for image formation, enhancement, restoration, noise removal in image processing using modern tools. They will be able to engage in independent study, formulate, design, implement, analyse and demonstrate an application using image processing.
Contact Person: Dr.Santosh R Desai
Description: Automation in Process Control laboratory is being setup which is related to the topics studied in the APC theory. The students will be exposed to the CODESYS- hardware-independent IEC 61131-3 automation software. The students will be able to perform experiments using PLC automation trainer kits and modules viz. bottle filling plant, elevator system, water filling tank, stepper motor control.
Contact Person: Dr.Santosh R. Desai and S.Kumuda
Research Facility: SIMULATION LAB
Description: This lab will enable the students to be aware of basic operations in various simulation software preferably open source. Students are being exposed to Scilab, Multisim and Pspice helpful in designing electronic circuits. The softwares used for this lab are SCILAB open source software, XCOS and PSPICE-ORCAD
Contact Person: S Kumuda
Research Facility: PROCESS CONTROL LAB
Description: In the process control labs various transducers are used along with various signal conditioned circuits calibrated and the physical parameters are indicated as voltage or current as these parameters can be used for indication for further processing. Characterize Plotting and calibrating the temperature sensor(RTD), Thermistors, Thermocouples AD 590, strain gauges, load cells, LVDT are done. The on off controller, multi position controller , Proportional, Integral, Derivative, PI, PD and PID controllers are implemented using electronic components.
Contact Person: Dr .Veena N Hegde
Description: Digital Signal Processing is a technique that converts signals from real world sources (usually in analog form) into digital data that can then be analyzed. Analysis is performed in digital form because once a signal has been reduced to numbers; its components can be isolated, analyzed and rearranged more easily than in analog form. Signal processing is done and analyzed using MATLAB and SCILAB software. The Lab is equipped with complete set of Hardware and Software to perform DSP experiments.
Contact Person: Ajay Kumar D
Description: Students will learn and understand the Basics of digital electronics and will be able to design basic logic circuits, combinational and sequential circuits. Identify the various digital ICs and understand their operation, Apply Boolean laws to simplify the digital circuits and Design simple logic circuits. Lab is well equipped with latest digital trainer kits, logic gates IC's, seven segment displays, CRO etc.,
Contact Person: S.Kumuda
Description: Conducting experiments and making measurements is an essential aspect of all branches of science and engineering. This lab is meant for studying the characteristics of various sensors and its applications. Basic measurements are done using various bridges. The lab is very well equipped with latest sensors kits of industry standards to study its characteristics and its application implementation on the kits. Some of the senors used are LVDT, Load cell, strain Gauge,Ultrasonic sensors, Laser sensors, proximity sensors, encoders, limit switch, slotted sensors, diffusion beam sensors, through beam sensors, optical sensors, piezoelectric sensors etc.,
Contact Person: S.Kumuda
Description: NI LabVIEW is a graphical programming approach that is used to create user-defined solutions that meet their specific needs, which is a great alternative to proprietary, fixed functionality traditional instruments visualize every aspect of application, including hardware configuration, measurement data, and debugging. A virtual instrument consists of an industry-standard computer or workstation equipped with powerful application software, cost-effective hardware such as plug-in boards, and driver software, which together perform the functions of traditional instruments. The lab is equipped with Industry standard DAQ Cards, Robotics kit, Biomedical sensor kits, vernier kits,NI ELVIS Boards-lab on board,etc for Real time data acquisition from various sensors, analyze them, build algorithm and visualize them in effective manner.
Contact Person: Dr.Mamatha M N
Description: Sensors and Transducers is equipped with modern measurement instrumentation equipment's, which helps the students to study different mechanism of measurement of Temperature, pressure, density, humidity, displacement, force, speed, torque, stress etc. Students learn to measure as well as develop the skill to calibrate the temperature and pressure gauges etc. To impart practical training to the students in the field of calibrating pressure gauges, transducers switches and indicators etc.
Contact Person: Dr. Veena N Hegde and Kumar D
Research Facility: Embedded System Design Lab
Description: The Embedded System course design using a ST microcontroller, namely STM32F051R8 mainstream Arm Cortex-M0 Access line MCU with 64 Kbytes of Flash memory, 48 MHz CPU, motor control and CEC functions.The course will introduce various interfacing techniques for popular input devices including sensors, output devices and communication protocols. The STM32F051xx microcontrollers incorporate the high-performance ARM®Cortex®-M0 32-bit RISC core operating at up to 48 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories (up to 64 Kbytes of Flash memory and 8 Kbytes of SRAM), and an extensive range of enhanced peripherals and I/Os. All devices offer standard communication interfaces (up to two I2Cs, up to two SPIs, one I2S, one HDMI CEC and up to two USARTs), one 12-bit ADC, one 12-bit DAC, six 16-bit timers, one 32-bit timer and an advanced-control PWM timer.STM32CubeIDE is an all-in-one multi-OS development tool, which is part of the STM32Cube software ecosystem. TM32CubeIDE is an advanced C/C++ development platform with peripheral configuration, code generation, code compilation, and debug features for STM32 microprocessors. STM32CubeIDE integrates STM32 configuration and project creation functionalities from STM32CubeMX to offer all-in-one tool experience and save installation and development time. After the selection of an empty STM32 MCU or MPU, or preconfigured microcontroller or microprocessor from the selection of a board or the selection of an example, the project is created and initialization code generated. At any time during the development, the user can return to the initialization and configuration of the peripherals or middle ware and regenerate the initialization code with no impact on the user code.

Research Grants

Project Title : 100 5G use case Lab

Sanctioned Year : 2024

Amount : 8500000

Funding/Sanction agency : Telecommunications Consultants India Limited. (TCIL)

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. Preethi K Mane

Project Title : Advanced Control Setup with DCS

Sanctioned Year : 2023

Amount : 200000

Funding/Sanction agency : FRPS, B M S C E

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. Preethi K Mane, Dr. Santosh R. Desai

Project Title : Swachh the Intelligent Cleaning Robot

Sanctioned Year : 2023

Amount : 200000

Funding/Sanction agency : FRPS, B M S C E

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Mr. Kumar D, Dr. Veena N Hegde

Project Title : Virtual Automation Lab with Augmented or Virtual reality

Sanctioned Year : 2022

Amount : 972265

Funding/Sanction agency : Vision Group of Science and Technology

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. Santosh R. Desai

Project Title : Sensing and Related Technologies for the Grand Challenges of the 21st Century: Climate, Energy, Water, Food, Health and Mega-Cities

Sanctioned Year : 2022

Amount : 480000

Funding/Sanction agency : Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN)

Status : Completed

Principal Investigators : Dr. Veena N Hegde, Dr. Preethi K Mane

Project Title : Scheme for Promoting Interest, creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES)

Sanctioned Year : 2022

Amount : 100000

Funding/Sanction agency : AICTE

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. Veena N Hegde, Dr. Preethi K Mane

Project Title : Erasmus Mobility

Sanctioned Year : 2022

Amount : 77000

Funding/Sanction agency : Transilvania University of Brasov

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. Mamatha M N


Sanctioned Year : 2021

Amount : 6000/-

Funding/Sanction agency : Karnataka State Council For Science and Technology, IISc, Bangalore-12

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. VEENA N. HEGDE

Project Title : Indigenous Smart dressing And Health Monitoring Kit for Dementia

Sanctioned Year : 2020

Amount : 6000/-

Funding/Sanction agency : Karnataka State Council For Science and Technology,IISc, Bangalore-12

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. Veena N Hegde

Project Title : Performance analysis and PID controller based speed control of AC motor using Virtual Environment

Sanctioned Year : 2019

Amount : 2.21lakhs

Funding/Sanction agency : TEQIP-III

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : 1. Dr.Santosh R Desai,Department of EIE, BMSCE 2. Dr.Veena N Hegde,Department of EIE, BMSCE 3. Dr.Chinmaya K A,Department of EEE, BMSCE 4. Dr.Shivkumar Tomar,Department of ECE, FET MJP Rohilkhand University,BAreilly,UP 5. Prof. Ajay Kumar Yadav,Department of EIE, FET MJP Rohilkhand University,BAreilly,UP

Project Title : Design and development of acoustic source simulator

Sanctioned Year : 2018

Amount : 27000

Funding/Sanction agency : Jost's engg company

Status : Completed

Principal Investigators : Dr. Veena N hegde

Project Title : Virtual Automation Lab with Augmented/virtual reality

Sanctioned Year : 2018

Amount : 30 lakhs

Funding/Sanction agency : Vision Group on Science and Technology(VGST),Department of IT,BT and S&T, Scheme: CISEE

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr,Santosh R desai

Project Title : Design and Development of diaphragm seals for pressure gauges and transmitters

Sanctioned Year : 2017

Amount : 15000

Funding/Sanction agency : Sridhan Automation

Status : Completed

Principal Investigators : Dr. Veena hegde Dr.Santosh R. Desai S. Kumuda

Project Title : FOSSEE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education)

Sanctioned Year : 2017

Amount : 5,00,000

Funding/Sanction agency : IIT Bombay under MHRD, Government of India

Status : Ongoing

Principal Investigators : Dr. Veena hegde Dr.Santosh R. Desai

Project Title : An engineering approch to determine sampling rate and Word length in digital control system

Sanctioned Year : 2015

Amount : 329000

Funding/Sanction agency : Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) Bangalore - DRDO

Status : Completed

Principal Investigators : Dr. K. Narasimha Rao Dr. Santosh R. Desai S.Kumuda

Project Title : Design and development of Six watt LED prototype

Sanctioned Year : 2015

Amount : 20000

Funding/Sanction agency : Entuple Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Bangalore

Status : Completed

Principal Investigators : Dr. K Narasimha Rao Preethi K Mane S.Kumuda Ajay Kumar D

Research Students Publications

Student Name : Ananya. P, Ashwini Nayak, Isaac Endala, Lakshay Sharma, Prasan Chavan

Title of the Paper : Enhanced Home Security System using IoT

Research Description : IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.20201

Faculty Coordinator : Mr. Ajay Kumar D

Year : 2024


Student Name : Tejas B.S, Pavan V, Rohith H, Pranam J

Title of the Paper : Realtime Detection of Humps and Potholes

Research Description : International Conference on Smart Systems for applications in Electrical Sciences (ICSSES), 07-08 July 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICSSES58299.2023.10200400

Faculty Coordinator :

Year : 2023


Student Name : Anjali Bhardwaj, Mohammad Muzaffar Hyder, B Pragna, Laieeqa Anche

Title of the Paper : Design and Control of Four Legged Spyder Robot

Research Description : 8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 01-03 June 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICCES57224.2023.10192828

Faculty Coordinator : Dr. Veena N. Hegde

Year : 2023


Student Name : S B Shachee

Title of the Paper : ” Electrical Energy consumption prediction using LSTM-RNN”

Research Description : International Conference on Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks (ICECMSN-2021),365-384,22nd Mar 2022

Faculty Coordinator : Dr. Veena N. Hegde

Year : 2022


Student Name : Amiti Singh

Title of the Paper : "Performance analysis of the variable step-size Griffiths' LMS algorithm for fetal electrocardiography"

Research Description : International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). Cape town (South Africa ),9th & 10th Dec 2021, 10.1109/ICECET52533.2021.9698501

Faculty Coordinator :

Year : 2022


Student Name : Sudarshana S Rao

Title of the Paper : Machine Learning based Traffic Light Detection and IR Sensor based Proximity Sensing for Autonomous Cars,

Research Description : 2nd International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems.Kottayam (India),7 14th July 2021,

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Santosh R. Desai

Year : 2021


Student Name : Pranav M, Rachana S Raju, Kanisk Rai, Keshav Thakur

Title of the Paper : Prognostic Monitoring and Analyzing System for Motors

Research Description : Springer-Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation, and Control, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering.Vellore (India), "Print ISBN: 978-981-15-8220-2

Electronic ISBN: 978-981-15-8221-9" 10.1007/978-981-15-8221-9_77

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Santosh R Desai

Year : 2021


Student Name : Dhruv Palrecha, N Naditha U

Title of the Paper : Classification of Clothing using Convolutional Neural Network

Research Description : International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. 4th Mar 2020, 10.1007/978-981-15-2043-3_41,

Faculty Coordinator : Dr. Veena N. Hegde

Year : 2020


Student Name : Ananya S.K, Anupriya, Periwal, Lalit Bajaj, Nihal Desai

Title of the Paper : Process parameter monitoring and control using digital twin

Research Description : International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation,74-80,2019-Feb,10.1007/978-3-030-23162-0_8,978-3-030-23161-3,

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Santosh R. Desai

Year : 2019


Student Name : Medha Bharadwaj, S Mahalakshmi

Title of the Paper : ParKnow-A System for Smart parking Management

Research Description : International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV 2019), 567 to 578, 11 July 2019, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-23162-0_50,ISBN978-3-030-23161-3.

Faculty Coordinator : Dr. Veena N. Hegde

Year : 2019


Student Name : Kanishk Rai ; Keshav Kumar Thakur

Title of the Paper : Designing Low Cost Yet Robust EEG Acquisition System

Research Description : 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS),Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-4655-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-4656-0,390-395, DOI: 10.1109/iSES47678.2019.00096

Faculty Coordinator : Preethi K Mane, Narayan Panigrahi

Year : 2019


Student Name : T K Sourabh

Title of the Paper : Prognostics in Arboriculture Using Computer Vision and Statistical Analysis

Research Description : Conference-International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation,Publication date-2019/2/3,Pages-567-578,Publisher-Springer, Cham

Faculty Coordinator : Dr. Veena N Hegde, Nishant Velugula

Year : 2019


Student Name : Shashank G Hegde (1BM10IT020), Deshpande Rahul Gajanan (1BM10IT006); Sandeep B Kowligi (1BM10IT017) ; Sachin RC (1BM10IT016)

Title of the Paper : Implementation of SCADA in industries using wireless technologies

Research Description : 2015 International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC), 28-30 May 2015,Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 09 July 2015,INSPEC Accession Number: 15291083
DOI: 10.1109/IIC.2015.7150727
Publisher: IEEE

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Santosh R Desai


Student Name : A. NIKHILA(1BM08IT001) , NISHA A NAIR (1BM08IT014)


Research Description : International Journal of Image Processing and Vision Sciences ISSN (Print): 2278 – 1110, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012

Faculty Coordinator : KUMUDA S & PREETHI K MANE


Student Name : S Suguna Devi(1BM08IT025)

Title of the Paper : Face Detection System using OpenCV on Beagle Board

Research Description : Publication date:2012,Journal: iceee,Publisher: irnet

Faculty Coordinator : Preethi K Mane and D AjayKumar


Student Name : BM Shivalingesh (1BM10IT022), C Ramesh (1BM10IT014), SR Mahesh (1BM10IT009)

Title of the Paper : LPG Detection, Measurement and Booking System

Research Description : Volume I, Issue VI, November 2014 IJRSI ISSN 2321 - 2705

Faculty Coordinator : Preethi K Mane, S Kumuda


Student Name : Ramya S. Ullagaddimath (1BM12IT022)

Title of the Paper : Low cost eye based human computer interface system (Eye controlled mouse)

Research Description : Date of Conference: 16-18 Dec. 2016
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 02 February 2017
ISBN Information:
Electronic ISSN: 2325-9418
INSPEC Accession Number: 16650871
DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2016.7838906
Publisher: IEEE
Conference Location: Bangalore, India

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Veena N Hegde and S.Kumuda


Student Name : Apratim Haider ; Amit Baran Roy ; Rahul Sharma ;

Title of the Paper : AquaPredicto — Freshwater quality management system for lakes

Research Description : 2016 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)
Date of Conference: 21-23 Dec. 2016
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 24 April 2017
INSPEC Accession Number: 16837038
DOI: 10.1109/R10-HTC.2016.7906810
Publisher: IEEE

Faculty Coordinator : Veena N Hegde ; S. Kumuda


Student Name : Rahul Sharma(1BM12IT021) ; Ramya Ullagaddimath (1BM12IT022) ; Amit Baran Roy(1BM12IT003) ; Apratim Halder (1BM12IT006);

Title of the Paper : Optical theremin based true Random Number Generation (TRNG) system

Research Description : 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
Date of Conference: 10-13 Aug. 2015
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 September 2015
INSPEC Accession Number: 15487204
DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2015.7275670
Publisher: IEEE

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Veena N Hegde


Student Name : Amit Baran Roy(1BM12IT003) ; Apratim Halder (1BM12IT006); Rahul Sharma(1BM12IT021)

Title of the Paper : A novel concept of Smart Headphones using Active Noise Cancellation and speech recognition

Research Description : 2015 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management for Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM),Date of Conference: 6-8 May 2015
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 27 August 2015
INSPEC Accession Number: 15403327
DOI: 10.1109/ICSTM.2015.7225443
Publisher: IEEE

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Veena N Hegde


Student Name : Ashwin Baliga (1BM11IT006) ; Rahul Sharma (1BM12IT021); Rainer D'Souza (1BM11IT023); Siddharth Chakravorty (1BM11IT026) ; Gautam s Ramdas(1BM11IT009)

Title of the Paper : FORESIGHT - A novel design of travel aid for the blind

Research Description : 2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet)
Date of Conference: 16-19 Dec. 2015,Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 18 February 2016,INSPEC Accession Number: 15801509,DOI: 10.1109/CoCoNet.2015.7411266
Publisher: IEEE

Faculty Coordinator : Dr.Veena N Hegde


Industry Collaborations / MoUs

S.No Details

Title : Telecommunications Consultants India Limited. (TCIL)

Description: 5G use case lab is setup in department of EIE, B M S college of Engineering, Bengaluru-19. The objective is To build competencies and engagement in 5G technologies in students and academic fraternity. To enable projects at under-graduation and post-graduation level for students using 5G environment. To Encourage academia-industry engagement to ideate and develop 5G use cases. To Provide local access to 5G test setup for Startups and MSMEs around the institution. Making Indian academia & startup ecosystem 6G ready. In line with the budget announcement with an objective to build competencies and engagement in 5G technologies for students & startup com- munities, DoT is setting up one hundred 5G Use case labs at Higher Educational Institutions across all States/Union territories to facilitate the development, experimentation of 5G applications in various socioeconomic verticals. The use cases could span across socioeconomic verticals including education, agriculture, health, power, urban management, mining, logistics, re- source management, tourism, sports, security, e-governance etc.

Year : 2024

File Name : TCIL MOU


Title : Mitsubishi Electric India Private Limited-2023

Description: MEI had supplied equipment with all accessories amounting to 19,41,840. MEI had provided necessary programming software for simulation/programming of training equipment. SCADA, Factory Automation training kit, FX5U-PLC Training setup, Mitsubishi FA training equipment and iQ-R Training set up.

Year : 2023

File Name : Mitsubishi MOU


Title : Entuple Technologies

Description: Entuple Technologies and B M S College of Engineering work together in areas of skill development and capacity building activities for students and faculty.

Year : 2023

File Name : Entuple MOU


Title : Sunlux Technovations Bengaluru & Prof. Mel. Siegel, Professor Emeritus, CMU, USA

Description: This MoU is collaboration between the Sunlux Technovations Bengaluru & Prof. Mel. Siegel, Professor Emeritus, CMU, USA mentor and B M S college of Engineering, Bangalore. The purpose is to enriching the technical education imparted to students of all engineering disciplines in the field of Information Technology. This initiative may cover taking up few research topics under mentorship of Prof. Mel. Siegel in association with Sunlux Technovations. The research topics include Analytical Instrumentation, Sensors in bio technology process control, Advanced illumination systems, CO2 detection and elimination in ships and Humans, Aircraft damage inspection, Computer vision, Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Year : 2023

File Name : Sunlux Technovations MOU


Title : Mitsubishi Electric India Private Limited-2022

Description: MEI had supplied equipment with all accessories amounting to 19,41,840. MEI had provided necessary programming software for simulation/programming of training equipment. SCADA, Factory Automation training kit, FX5U-PLC Training setup, Mitsubishi FA training equipment and iQ-R Training set up.

Year : 2022

File Name : Mitsubishi MOU


Title : Mitsubishi Electric India Private Limited-2020

Description: MEI has provided Equipments of SCADA, Factory Automation training kit, FX5U-PLC Training setup and will provide necessary programming software for simulation/ Programming of training equipment

Year : 2020


Title : Axis Global Institute of Industrial Training (AGIIT)_2017

Description: 1)Centre of excellence 2) Student engagement-Training and Projects 3)Faculty engagement-FDP, subject matters experts 4)Institute engagement- Seminars, Industrial visits, curriculum initiatives, outsourcing projects

Year : 2017


Title : Informatics and Computing with Altair systems_2017

Description: 1) Industry academia interaction through innovation Centre on informatics and computing technologies. 2) Building competency on the tool by training faculties 3)Internships assistance-case studies 4)joint certification programme 5)placement assistance 6)expert lectures 7) train the trainers 8)provide themes and design for tech events, competitions

Year : 2017


Title : Sridhan Automation_2016

Description: 1) Student engagement-Internship Training and Projects 2)Faculty engagement-FDP, subject matters experts 3)Institute engagement- Seminars, Industrial visits, curriculum initiatives, outsourcing projects

Year : 2016


Title : TMI Systems_2014

Description: 1)Conduction of Workshop conduction 2) Value added courses, 3)Sponsorship for technical events and symposium 4)internships 5)technical presentation 6)curriculum development

Year : 2014
