# Details

One day Faculty workshop on “Hands-on Learning with Arduino” on 06th January - 2024

One day Faculty workshop on “Hands-on Learning with Arduino” Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engg in association with Department of Mechanical Engineering at CAD Lab, II Floor, Mech Block. Mr Prajwal Uppoor, Sandvine Technologies was the resource person.


iACT 2023, Date : 31st March & 1st April - 2023

“IACT 2023” (ISA Bangalore Automation and Control Technology day), hosted by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engg, B.M.S. College of Engineering (B.M.S.C.E.), Bengaluru in association with the International Society for Automation Bangalore Section (ISAB). The theme of the event is “Digital transformation through contemporary technologies” and is scheduled on 31 March (Friday) and 1 April, (Saturday) 2023 at B.M.S.C.E. This Intercollegiate Technology festival lasting two days is the seventh edition and is aimed to bring in participants from various ISAB Student sections across different states together. During this technology festival, participating students showcase their talents and skills through projects, paper presentations, technical competitions, hackathon, ideathon, solving complex Engineering problems and several others. Subject domain experts drawn from nearly three hundred Industry professionals of ISA Bangalore together with Academia have agreed to help adjudicate during the two-day event. The event will witness a footfall of over 200 participants from various engineering colleges from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. In addition, the event will comprise of keynote speeches, technical sessions and workshops on the latest advancements and trends in the field of automation, control and allied areas. Any queries contact : Dr. Veena N Hegde Faculty Advisor - 9886081532 | Mr. Kumar D - 9743114046 Mihir P ISA SS BMSCE President- 8296689145 | Bhavye Bhasin - 9148722891

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Unleash the power of Antenna Technology, ADFT-2023: Antenna Design, Fabrication and testing workshop. - 2023

Join us for an exciting one day workshop that will immerse you in the world of antenna design fabrication and testing.


" Award of 100 5G use case Labs to to selected academic institutions was held by Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modiji on 27th October 2023 as part of Indian Mobile Congress, 2023 - 2023


One Week FDP on "ARM Processor and Embedded Controllers”, 20th May 2023 to 25th May - 2023

The FDP is envisioned to familiarize the Faculty with the ARM family of processors and its applications. In the recent past ARM is gaining new ground in safety critical product domain such as aerospace , defence and automotive Industry. An Ecosystem is being developed around ARM architecture to support latest technological trends. The courses on ARM processor and Embedded Controllers are becoming part of Under Graduate curriculum to help building the required skill sets among budding Engineers. This FDP focuses on industry insights into Hardware and Firmware design using processors and building the necessary competency among interested faculty hands on sessions using ARM boards, Keil and Cube IDE environment. Practical sessions are enabled with LPC and STM controllers.


Value Added Course on PID Controller Tuning and Applications of Adaptive Filters in MATLAB, 23 - 28 January - 2023

Practical ubiquitous application in myriad of chemical and scientific processes as well as automation require regulation of temperature, flow, pressure, speed and other process variables .More than 95% of the industrial controllers are of PID type, which are being used for more precise and accurate control of various parameters. The goal of quality control is to detect, evaluate, and correct errors due to test system failure, environmental conditions, or operator performance, before results are reported. On similar lines, Adaptive filters work generally for adaptation of signal-changing environments, spectral overlap between noise and signal, and unknown, or time-varying, noise. For example, when interference noise is strong and its spectrum overlaps that of the desired signal, the conventional approach will fail to preserve the desired signal spectrum while removing the interference using a traditional filter, such as a notch filter with the fixed filter coefficients The configuration of the system and, in particular, the position where the adaptive processor is placed generate different areas or application fields such as: prediction, system identification and model-ling, equalization, cancellation of interference, etc. which are very important in many disciplines such as control systems, communications, signal processing, acoustics, voice, sound and image, etc.


A one day Tech Summit “ TechSolstice ” on 21 December - 2023

The Tech Summit, named "TechSolstice" will commence with Professor Mel Siegel, Professor Emeritus from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA delivering the keynote address at 10:00 am on 21st December 2023. The keynote, titled "The Coming Revolution in Inertial Navigation" promises to be enlightening and will be followed by interactive sessions with both faculty and students at Department of EIE.


iACT Paper Submission - 2023

Greetings from the B.M.S College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Dept. of Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. The annual event for engineering students iACT 2023 (ISA Bangalore Automation and Control Technology) in association with ISA Bangalore Section, will be hosted by us at B.M.S. College of Engineering Department of Electronics and Instrumentation. This two day event for engineering students is planned to be held on March 31 and April 01, 2023 in our college premises.This intercollegiate Technology festival lasting two days is the seventh edition and typically brings in participants from various ISAB Student sections across different states together. During this technology festival, participating students showcase their talents and skills through (i) Poster and Paper Presentation (ii) Maze Runner – A 24 Hour Hackathon (iii) Creative problem-solving session followed by an Ideathon (iv) Tutorial session on ChatGpt – An open AI (v) Industry based problems and solution Subject domain experts drawn from nearly three hundred Industry professionals of ISA Bangalore together with Academia have agreed to help adjudicate during the two-day event. The underlying theme is “Digital transformation through contemporary technologies” such as AI, ML, Digital twins, AR, Robotics, and Data sciences. Subjects under various heads of the competitions will be based on the event theme. Industry experts have also consented to conduct workshops focused for the benefit of budding engineers and update on industry applications of the contemporary technologies. The interactive workshops on cutting edge technologies will include panel discussions and question-answer sessions. There will be plenty of opportunities for students from different colleges to network seriously and engage in bonhomie. Also included in the two day event is an evening of “cultural program” where students. faculty, and industry participants can unwind. The technical events planned are mentored by an expert team of ISAB industry professionals and the experienced faculty of BMSCE. The Techday is going to witness direct involvement of industry and students with a footfall of more than two hundred participants. We would like to invite all professionals from industries and start-ups who are a part of ISAB to interact with students and to encourage the prize winners and participants with an opportunity for internship, mentorship towards skill development and innovative ideas, Project guidance, Funding opportunities, networking with young professionals explore start up prospects. Etc. This would be beneficial in nurturing young talents towards future skilled technological professionals. Here is the link for one of the events Poster and Paper Presentation Session under which students can submit their work in the form of template provided and selected extended abstract presentation will be held during iACT. The abstract submission procedure for student is explained in the brochure you find in the following website. Hurry and submit extended abstract for this event. The main brochure and events will follow. https://bmsce.ac.in/home/Electronics-and-Instrumentation-Engineering-Student-Chapters Note: In case, you face any difficulties during easy chair submission, please contact & submit to Dr Veena N Hegde (veenahegdebms.intn@bmsce.ac.in).

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Value added Course on Sensors and Internet of Things, 12th - 17th November - 2022

The program provides an immersive learning experience on the concepts of sensors, actuators, its applications and its interfacing to suit the current day requirements. Stu-dents will have two days exclusive hands on session under the guidance of industry professionals where they will be exposed to simple to moderately complex projects listed be-low. Project 1: Simple LED Program for Node MCU Project 2: Integrating Sensors & Reading Environmental Physical Values. Project 3: Reading Environmental Values on Android Smartphone, Talking to your Android Phone with Node MCU Connecting NodeMCU with Mobile Device, The Android Mobile OS. using the Bluetooth Module Project 4: Voice Controlled Mini Home Automation using Android Smartphone Project 5: Control Devices using Localhost Web Server for Home Automation, Integrating, Ethernet Module & Testing DHCP Connection, Creating Program for Localhost Web Server for controlling devices. Project 6: Being Social on Twitter & update status on Twitter through Node MCU., Make Electronics Gadget Talk to Internet, Configuring WiFi, Creating App on Twitter Project 7: Sending Email from Node MCU Project 8: Send Voltage & Analog Data on Cloud Server Cloud Computing, Communicating with the Cloud using Web Services. Cloud Computing & IoT, Popular Cloud Computing Services for Sensor Management. Project 9: Use Node MCU to Upload free data from Environmental Sensors to Cloud Server. Project 10: Automatically Tweet Sensor Data on Twitter. Project 11:Control Electronic Devices from anywhere across the world using Internet & Mobile App


“Sensing and Related Technologies for the Grand Challenges of the 21st Century: Climate, Energy, Water, Food, Health and Mega-Cities” - 2022

The crises of energy, water, food, health, and rapidly changing climatic conditions alongside increasing population, especially in mega-cities have become essential global challenges. Furthermore, we must address these challenges in constructive, sensitive, democratic ways. The conservation of natural resources, as well as sustaining development while nevertheless permitting necessary growth is required for assuring that natural and productive resources will be available for future generations.


TEQIP-3 Sponsored Faculty Development Program( FDP) on Material Characterization, Modelling & Performance Analysis of CMOS Inverter 22nd - 26th February - 2021


ONLINE TECHNICAL TALK on “Problem Solving Techniques using Industry Proven Process and Tools” on 20th February - 2021


ONLINE Webinar on Post Pandemic Counselling “Practice of bettering oneself ” on 06th February - 2021


AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy sponsored Faculty Development Program( FDP) on Immersive Virtual Reality 11th - 15th January - 2021


First Year Induction Programme for the Academic Year 2020-21 at Department level - 2020


Induction Programme conducted for IV Semester students for the year 2020 - 2020


First years Induction programme for the academic Year 2019-20 at Department level -


Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, BMSCE,Bangalore is hosting "5th edition of Mitsubishi Electric Cup 2020",in association with Mitsubishi Electric India Pvt. Ltd. -

The theme for this year is ‘Visualizing IoT Solutions for Smart Automation’ under which students will be required to independently design and produce a complete set of devices and models by using Mitsubishi Electric factory automation products. This national level automation competition aims to enhance the innovation capabilities of engineering students, arouse their interests in learning state of the art technology, as well as improve management and team spirit, along with communication skills. It is also intended to embody the "learning for practice" ideology, review students' actual manufacturing and commissioning abilities, meanwhile enhance exchange and cooperation between university and enterprise

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