Dr. R. Ashok Kumar
Professor & Head - Computer Science and Business Systems
About Department
Department of Computer Science and Business Systems offers a 4 year under graduation program specifically tuned for the current IT industry needs and for the future demands.
The program is curated with essentials of core computer science and emerging technologies with desirable principles of management science to build a strong foundation for business engineers.
There is a continuous improvement in the curriculum on the emerging technologies under the expertise mentors from the IT industries.
The curriculum is designed by the eminent academicians along with professional experts from Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).
More Details: https://www.tcs.com/careers/india/computer-science-business-system-program
Holistically develop world class business engineers for IT industry
Provide strong foundation in computer science principles to adapt for a rapidly changing technologies.
Enable deep understanding of global business processes for translating technical solutions into tangible business value.
Carry out research work in innovation, ideation, and disruptive technologies to capitalize on future developments in technology and business.