# Published Date Details
1.05-07-2024“Development of pectin-based bioplastic films – An approach towards Sustainable Development Goals” in an “4th International Conference on Waste, Energy and Environment” held during 3rd – 5th July 2024, organized by Center for Waste Management - IRC, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. ISBN No: 978-93-83409-91-4.
Authors: Dr. Y. K. Suneetha, Dr. Hari Prasad Uppara, Shruthi Munukutla,Aashi D Parekh, Sakshi Patel
2.29-12-2023“Structural, surface morphological and photocatalytic properties of MOF derived CuO catalysts” in an International conference on Energy Transitions: Challenges and Opportunities, IIChE – Chemcon 2023 on Dec 27 -30, 2023 held at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkatta, India. “Best Paper Award”. (ISBN: 9789310 000719)
Authors: Alaka Atrey, Diksha K, Sanjay Kumar Yadav, Hari Prasad Uppara
3.22-03-2022“Experimental investigation of diesel exhaust gases on DOC/SrMn0.98Co0.02O3 perovskite material – Engine Dynamometer studies”, 4th International Conference on “Challenges in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering for Sustainable Development (CBSD)”, Annamalai University, 25th March 2022. (ISBN: 978-81-951299-3-5).
Authors: Hari Prasad Uppara, Sunit Kumar Singh, Nitin K Labhsetwar, Harshini Dasari
4.29-12-2021"Micromorphology and Pore Size Evaluation of Biomass Chars During Pyrolysis", CHEMCON 2021, CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, ODISHA, INDIA, December 29, 2021.
Authors: Shivakumar. R and Samita Maitra
5.29-12-2021"Acoustic field assisted demixing studies in aqueous two-phase system with PEG and potassium phosphate", 74th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers in CHEMCON 2021 Organized by CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, ODISHA, INDIA on December 29, 2021.
Authors: Devika R. Balasubramanian, Shivakumar. R and Chetan A. Nayak
6.12-09-2019"A Comparative Study on Porosity Development an Area Distribution in Prepared porous bio-mass chars During Pyrolysis in an inert gas Environment", Proceedings International conference on Biomass, Fuels, & Chemicals, ISBN: 978-93-87862-86-9, 12th September 2019, pp.110-112.
Authors: Shivakumar R and Samita Maitra
7.04-06-2019“Soot oxidation studies on SrMn0.98B0.02O3 (B – Fe, Ni) perovskites”, IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering, 654 (1), 012008, 2019.
Authors: Hari Prasad Uppara, Armaan Feroz, Nithin Samuel John, Sunit Kumar Singh, Nitin K Labhsetwar, Harshini Dasari
8.01-12-2017Y K Suneetha, G. N. Rameshaiah, Tejashwini D.E. NANO-SIZED CHITOSAN PARTICLES IN BIOREMEDIATION OF AQUEOUS MEDIA CONTAMINATED BY TOXIC CHROMIUM (VI), Dec 2017, International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Automation and Robotics Technologies (IC-SMART), Volume 1, Issue 1
Authors: Y K Suneetha, G. N. Rameshaiah, Tejashwini D.E.
9.18-08-2015Method for estimation of Attainment of Program outcome through Course outcome for Outcome based Education
Authors: Samita Maitra and Shivakumar R
10.20-06-2015Studies on volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient during enzymatic hydrolysis of chitin using filamentous fungi – Trichoderma harzianum International Conference on " Chemical and Biochemical Engineering" , Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 42, Paris-France
Authors: Y K Suneetha, G. N. Rameshaiah
11.26-01-2015Teaching methodology for attainment of graduate attributes, 2014 IEEE International Conference on MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE), 2014, pp. 250-255
Authors: Chetan A. Nayak, H. S. Usha, C. T. Puttaswamy and Samita Maitra
12.17-07-2014Basak, T., Sriram, S., Panda, S., Bhattacharya, M., 'Analysis on effect of shapes for microwave-assisted food processing of 2D samples', HEFAT-2014, Orlando, Florida.
Authors: Tanmay Basak, Soumen Panda, S Srirama, Madhuchhanda Bhattacharya
13.31-12-2011D Sreelakshmi, H.S. Usha, Vivek M. Rao, Dr. Samita Maitra, Removal of Benzene from Contaminated Soil using Anionic Surfactant (2011), CHEMCON 2011 Indian Chemical Engineering Congress 64th Annual Session of IIChE, Vol- 1, pp. 315-319.
Authors: D Sreelakshmi, H.S. Usha, Vivek M. Rao, Dr. Samita Maitra
14.16-11-2010“Bench Scale Performance Study Of The UASB For The Treatment Of Biopharmaceutical Effluent. International Conference COOLING THE EARTH Tactics for Restoring Climate Order and Saving the Living Planet November 15-17, 2010
Authors: C.T. Puttaswamy, L. Udaya Simha, Vinay. R, Swathi. K. R, Rakesha.N.N
15.15-11-2010Effect Of Natural Coagulants On Water Quality Parameters, International Conference COOLING THE EARTH Tactics for Restoring Climate Order and Saving the Living Planet November 15-17, 2010
Authors: C.T. Puttaswamy, L. Udaya Simha, Priya.