# Year Details File
1.2024Workshop has been conducted in the Department on 26th February 2024 regarding Rubber-powered propellers airplane, as the name suggests, uses an elastic rubber band to propel them forward. The rubber band is wound to store potential energy. When released, the rubber band unwinds itself, converting this potential energy to turn the propeller. Download 
2.2023Non-Teaching Staff Training Program on "Aero-Structures Lab” on 3rd March 2023 Download 
3.2023Glider Making Workshop on 30th January 2023 To train students on Glider making using Balsa wood and other materials. Gliders are flying objects with self propulsion. In this skill development workshop, students were make various parts of the glider like wings, fuselage and controls surfaces. Later they were made to fly and time of flight was recorded Download 
4.2023One-day workshop on Gas turbine Technologies & Opportunities on 18th Aug, 2023, 9:30 AM to 5PM. This workshop was jointly organized by BMSCE and Dheya technologies to bring academia and industry experts, for know-how on the current state of technologies in gas turbine. We had eminent people talked (list below) on this subject along with live demonstration of the MGT (Micro Gas Turbine) towards the end of this workshop. Download 
5.2022Industry Academia Meet on 07th December 2022 The industry academia meet is a platform for all academia coordinators and industry experts to have an interaction session. Download 
6.2022Value added course on CATIA 3D EXPERIENCE . This Value – added course throws light on promising area such as platform navigation, sketches and 3D modelling. Between 14th November to 18th November 2022,EDS Technologies Pvt Ltd. Bangalore. Download 
7.2022AQUILA club - Department of Aerospace Engineering Organized 2 days (June 28th and 29th 2022) Composite Hands-On Workshop for 6th Semester Aerospace Engineering students. Resource persons: Dr. Chethana K Y, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engg. B.M.S.C.E Download 
8.2021Workshop by K-Tech CoE Aerospace & Defense was conducted from 6th May to 12th May. Topics such as Aerodynamics, Materials, Structures, Manufacturing, Aircraft Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Systems, 3D Experiences platform (CATIA, DELMIA, SIMULIA), were discussed during the workshop.