# Year Details File
1.202420th May 2024: Guest lecture on “Energizing Nation Builders” by Joyful Vedanta Team Download 
2.202331st October 2023: Guest lecture on “How Quantum Computing can impact simulations and numerical algorithms” by Rut Lineswala Founder and CTO at BosonQ Psi Download 
3.202331st October 2023: Guest lecture on “Contradictory Design Requirements and Linchpin Technology in Aerospace Engineering” by Prof. Rho Shin Myong, Professor at Gyeongsang National University, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jinju, Republic of Korea Download 
4.202328th June 2023: Guest lecture on “Entry into Armed Forces” by Lt Cdr Ajay Kumar Shetty (Retd) ,Indian Navy Download 
5.202317th May 2023: Guest lecture on “Future Technologies Developed in Germany” by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richard Degenhardt Professor at PFH German University,Sen. scientist at DLR, German Aerospace Center Download 
6.2023April 24th, 2023: Guest lecture on “Research Methodology” by Dr. Sandipan Karmakar, Assistant Professor XIM University. Download 
7.2022June 23rd, 2022: Guest lecture on “eVTOLs: The Future for air Transportation and Research Opportunities” by Prof. Ramesh Gupta, Associate Prof. -SNU Delhi. Download 
8.2022November 7th, 2022: Guest lecture on “Pre-Career Counselling” by Mr. Sanjay R, Career Architect, Career Labs Download 
9.2022November 8th, 2022: Guest lecture on “Getting Industry Ready” by MS Team CADMAXX Ed Tech. Download 
10.2022November 19th, 2022: Guest lecture on “IoT and Digital Engineering Working at TATA, TCS Product Lifecycle in Aerospace” by TCS Team. Download 
11.2022April 23rd, 2022: Guest lecture on “Human Factors and Ergonomics in Aviation” by AIR COMMODORE CHARLES ANDREWS,VSM. Download 
12.2021December 21, 2021: Guest lecture on “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos” by Prof. Sriranga Rajan, Retired Professor IIT Bombay. Download 
13.2021November 11, 2021: Guest lecture on “Human Values in Aviation Sector” by Air Cmde C B Shenoy, Managing Director Saish GSE Pvt. ltd., Bengaluru , Former Head of Faculty at AFTC (twice), Former Director, Chief Engineer in IAF, Principal Director Indigenization, STPL Bengaluru. Download 
14.2021September 2, 2021: Guest lecture on “Introduction to Aircraft Landing Gear Systems” by Mr. P. Jayarami Reddy, Additional General manager (Retd) Aircraft Research & Development Centre Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., Bengaluru. Download 
15.2021July 17, 2021: Guest lecture on “Limits, Fits and Tolerance” for aerospace engineers by Sri.C M Aswathappa ,Associate Professor. Download 
16.2021March 31, 2021: Guest lecture on “Structural Dynamics In the Context of Aircraft Design and Certification" for aerospace engineers by Sri. J V Kamesh, Professor and Advisor, Department of Aerospace Engineering BMSCE. Download 
17.2021March 20, 2021: Guest lecture on “Drone Technologies and its Applications" for aerospace engineers by Mr. Sulakshan Arya, R & D Specialist, Nokia Drone Networks. Download 
18.2020February 7, 2020: Guest lecture on “Job Opportunities for Aerospace Engineers, instrumentation and control techniques – LabVIEW” by Mr. Sunil Kumar V Managing Director, V I Solutions.
19.2020February 20, 2020: Guest lecture on “Theory and computational methods of fluid and solid mechanics for aerospace engineers” by Mr. J S Rao, AICTE-INAE distinguished visiting professor.
20.2020February 29, 2020: Guest lecture on “Theory and computational methods of fluid and solid mechanics for aerospace engineers - history and modern prospective” by Prof. J. S. Rao, AICTE - INAE distinguished Visiting Professor.
21.2020February 27, 2020: Guest lecture on, 1. “Structural Optimization of an Automobile Hood using Natural Flax Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites and RIM Manufacturing Method” by Prof. Changduk Kong, IIT Kharagpur. 2. “Composites and RIM Manufacturing Method” by Prof. Dipak Kumar Maiti, IIT Kharagpur.