Dr.Indiramma M


IQAC Chief Coordinator


The College constituted the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) during March 2014. The IQAC has since become the nodal agency for ensuring quality in academics and administration of the college. The IQAC headed by the Principal has a diverse composition. Member of Management, teachers, administrative officers, nominee from local society, alumni, employer, industry professionals, parents, non-teaching staff and students serve are members of IQAC. The Chief Co-ordinator is the member-convenor of IQAC.

The IQAC ensures implementation of quality measures and fostering culture of continuous improvement. Some of the major activities conducted through the Cell are enumerated hereunder:

  • Facilitating accreditation and affiliation processes
  • Conducting academic and administrative audits
  • Strategic Plan: preparation and implementation mechanisms
  • Promoting innovative teaching learning practices
  • Timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR)
  • Reports and data submission to statutory bodies and assessing agencies
  • Faculty and student training through Teaching Learning Centre (TLC)
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of various cells/committees
  • Proposing measures to strengthen the campus infrastructure through regular augmentation
  • Encouraging activities in support of holistic development of students
  • Supporting activities towards establishing procedures and modalities for data management

Development and application of quality benchmarks, institutionalizing and disseminating quality strategies through planning and supervision of various activities is the prime aim of IQAC. The IQAC believes in achieving the benchmarks with the involvement of all the stakeholders and support of the benign management.